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My Bubble

By 2:35 AM , , ,

I've referred to my bedroom as my "bubble" on occasion.

It really is my happy space, personal space - it's where I begin and end the day, and definitely my favorite room in the house.  
I think everyone should have some space in their home that is their go-to happy place.  Obviously their bedroom would the the most common space, but this could also be your living room, kitchen, office, whatever works best for you.  
When I moved out of my dorm and into my first apartment, my bedroom was basically the only room in the place that had furniture that was mine - the couches, dining set, tables, etc. all belonged to my roommate.  But everything in my bedroom was mine.  After that apartment, I lived in a house by myself for about 7 months, and during that time I really began to appreciate all of my items - and see just how much stuff you can accumulate, and how quickly you can do so.  After I lived in the house alone, I then gained 2 roommates (and 3 pets), and now I am down to 1 roommate and still the 3 pets.  While much of the items in our 3 bedroom house do belong to me, and I'm the self-appointed decorator of the place, my bedroom is still my special "me zone".  I thought I would give y'all a tour of my space and the things that encompass it.  A little has changed since I took the pictures, but not too terribly much.

My bed area.  My bed is set up on the far wall from the entry, with two curtain rods (covering no real windows... I just couldn't deal with so much unused wall space!) and nightstands to either side.  This is the same bedspread that I originally bought for my first apartment.  It was the first one I ever fell in love with, and while I have tried to replace it once or twice, I just keep going back to it!  The bed frame itself is one that I acquired not too long before the tornado in 2013.  Since this photo has been taken, I've added a bookshelf on the left wall below the picture frame. On any given night, I will be sitting up in my bed, on my laptop - doing anything from finishing assignments, watching Desperate Housewives, or blogging. 

Also along the left wall is my window that looks into the backyard.  The large learner mirror that I have in the corner is the first furniture piece I ever bought with my own money!  I bought it from Hobby Lobby in 2011 (my poor friends had the fun of carrying it up the flights of stairs to my 3rd floor apartment shortly after), and being the cheap girl that I am, I got it for a discount because of the crack that runs along the bottom 1/3 of the glass.  Eventually I will get it repaired, but for now, I rarely even notice it. 

On the entry wall, I have my dresser.  On it I have my television - pictured is the TV that I originally borrowed from one of my roommates, but since then, my parents bought me my own TV (thank you, thank you, thank you!) as a gift for getting my act together and doing well in class.  The floating shelf above the TV is purely for decoration, and to the right of the TV I keep a lamp and a picture frame, with a mug to catch spare change. 

My most recently acquired piece of furniture is my vanity.  I bought it earlier this year, after an extensive search for one that would best fit my needs.  In the long center drawer I keep my face products, in the short left drawer I keep lip products, in the lower left drawer I keep miscellaneous products (AKA the junk drawer), in the short right drawer I keep eye products, and in the lower right drawer I keep skin cleaning products.  I also have another lamp to the right of the vanity, and I used to keep my hamper there as well - it has since moved into my closet, and my cats' tree has moved there instead. 

Underneath the vanity, I used to keep my hair styling products.  I now have a small bookshelf to the left of the vanity that I keep them in, instead.  It is a little neater and not as junky looking.
So this is my space!  Do any of you have places in your home that are just "you"?  Leave me a comment and let me know!

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