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2014: A Year in Review

By 11:31 PM , ,

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I think it is always important to remember where you are coming from, and to take that into where you are going.

Not only in the larger scale of your life, but in day to day, week to week, month to month, and year to year ways.  With the new year fast approaching, I thought I would take a minute to take inventory of the year past and reflect on what I'd like to bring into 2015, and what I'd like to leave behind.  

1. What am I most proud of this year?
There are a lot of things I feel like I am proud of this year.  Finishing up my Junior year of college, successfully living with just The Boyfriend for a significant amount of time and still loving him more and more each day, completing a year at my favorite job I've ever held. 
2. How can I become a better _____________?
This is difficult.  I suppose I should ask myself how to become a better student, because that is still a difficult area in my life.  I want to dedicate more top-priority level time to my studies, and hopefully put aside some time to study nightly.  I do well, and I have done well this year, but I could definitely do better.
3. Where am I feeling stuck?
This question definitely carries a lot with it.  While I love my University, my job, my city, my friends, family, and boyfriend, I am so very ready to finish this chapter and spread my wings.  I love my life, I love where I am at, but I do feel "stuck" in my city at times.  I am physically stuck, by my studies and degree in progress, but I can visualize the places I plan to go once done.  I feel stuck, but not in a hopeless way.  I am preparing myself. 
4. Where do I need to allow myself grace?
I need to allow myself grace in regards to my physical appearance.  I have good days, and bad days.  I've struggled with my yoyo-ing weight since I was a child.  I am a fairly confident person, but I still am so very aware of how I carry my weight, and I am not that kind to myself about it. 
5. Am I passionate about my career?
I am so passionate.  I have been blessed enough to fall into a job that I love, in January 2014, and I plan to stay with them until I leave this city.  It is in property management, and even upon leaving, I plan to go into real estate, which I am equally passionate about. 
6. What lessons have I learned?
"Everything will change, love remains the same".  Those are lyrics from a Gavin Rossdale song, but they are so applicable to 2014 for me.  I've gained friends, some friends have become acquaintances, and some even strangers.  Despite how far apart I've grown from some, I still want to be there, and I miss them in my life.  It's been a tough lesson to learn that sometimes memories are better than holding on to dwindling, toxic relationships in my life.  
7. What did I my finances look like?
In 2011, when I moved into my first apartment, I didn't really have a job.  My parents gave me money weekly to live on, as well as paid my bills, and yet, I still blew through it constantly.  In 2012, I had two jobs, and my parents still gave me money and paid my bills.  and my money disappeared just as quick.  Now, I have a job, and my parents do still contribute (but I do cover my utilities and living expenses, for the most part) but I feel as though I get better with my finances each year.  I don't enjoy letting my money go.  
8. How did I spend my free time?
That's pretty tough.  Sleeping?  Mostly.  Random online things?  Yup.  That's a pretty difficult question.  I've been busier this year than most, so I'm not quite sure!
9. How well did I take care of my body, mind, and soul?
Body:  Off and on, pretty well.  I've always had a difficult time committing to my physical health, but especially towards the end of this year, things have been better. 
Mind:  Again, pretty well.  I officially became a senior at my university, which is obviously stressful.  But I didn't feel overwhelmed, like I have many semesters before, so I'd say that's a good thing.
Soul:  I'm not quite sure I've ever had to evaluate how I've taken care of my soul.  I'm more accepting of myself regarding certain aspects I've been harsh on before, so I suppose that's a good step in the right direction. 
10. How have I been open-minded?
I have become more aware of social issues and looking at things from others' perspectives, I feel like.  I consider myself a decently open minded person, so I'm not sure how exactly I've grown in that area. 
11. When did I feel most creatively inspired?
When I started this blog back up.  I know, I started at the very end of the year, but even in such a time it's become a big outlet for me.  I hope to keep it up for a long, long time.
12. What projects have I completed?
Rearranging my home life after The Boyfriend and I's roommate moved out, and in doing so successfully buying my first real couch set.  I've acquired and organized a vanity, which I've wanted for many years.  I've also completed the majority of my undergraduate career.  I'd say I've completed a lot!
13. How have I procrastinated?
In every aspect of my life, pretty much?  I am terrible at procrastinating.  School work, cleaning up after my animals, cleaning my car (Oh god, I need to clean my car.).. Many ways. 
14. In what ways can I re-structure my time?
I need to become a morning person.  Let me try again:  I need to learn how to wake up like an adult.  I can be a morning person.  Once I'm awake for 30 minutes or so, I'm great.  I love actually accomplishing things in the morning.  But I am the worst person on the planet until I am fully awake, and nothing means more to me than drifting back off to sleep.  Definitely could restructure my time management easily if I could just wake up. 
15. How have I allowed fear of failure hold me back?
I hate to admit this, but many ways.  To be completely honest, very few people in my actual life know about this blog - just for fear that they will criticize me.  I still fear about singing around others, thinking they'll judge me.  I don't consider myself shy, but I do have a hard time getting over fear of failure in the eyes of others. 
16. Where has self-doubt taken over?
See above answer, I suppose. 
17. When have I felt the most alive?
Over Spring break, The Boyfriend and I went to New York City.  That was pretty exhilarating.  But I'm not quite sure that, that is how I want to answer this question.  Hmm... I'm not entirely sure.  I'd like to feel the most alive, all of the time. 
18. How have I taught others to respect me?
By demanding to be respected.  I can honestly say, every major assignment I have done this year has been soemthing I've been proud of.  My work life, I am always proud of.  I am someone I respect, so I feel others should do the same. 
19. How can I improve my relationships?
I need to be more understanding, more willing to let things go.  I am terrible at holding grudges, sometimes for crimes that only exist in my own head. 
20. Have I been unfair to anyone?
Of course.  There are many.  That is something I'd rather not get into detail on here, though.
21. Who do I need to forgive?
Some of the people referenced in #6. 
22. Where is it time to let go?
Again, #6.
23. What old habits would I like to release?
Being too critical of myself, expecting to much from others, dwelling on the past, picking at my cuticles. 
24. What new habits would I like to cultivate?
A real routine to my days, walking with my dog more often, going to the gym. 
25. How can I be kind to myself?
Remember that I am a work in progress, and that, that is beautiful.  Support myself enough to not worry about the criticism of others. 

Questions kindly provided from MGB

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