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Posts to look forward to!

By 3:09 PM

In an effort to motivate myself to keep updating regularly, here are some posts to look forward to soon!

My trip to New York City
I spent Spring Break in NYC with my sister and loving boyfriend.  Hopefully soon I can upload some pictures from our trip!
OOTD: Miley Cyrus Concert in New Orleans
I recently went to NOLA for a bachelorette party, and Miley was part of the night.  Spoiler: This OOTD includes a hat that says "MEOW".
My Comfort Area
I'm physically Spring cleaning my house out, and I thought a nice motivation technique would be to share how I decorate with y'all - starting with my favorite room, my bedroom.
Review: Lilly Pulitzer Agenda
Probably my most loved possession, I'll review it for ya'll, complete with comparisons to past agendas I've kept. 
Tutorial: Highlighting & Contouring
Getting right back into the focus of a beauty/fashion blog with a tutorial!

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